faith boosters
designed to ignite your faith
faith boosters
designed to ignite your faith
faith boosters
designed to ignite your faith
The New Normal - Part 2
In this sermon Pastor Paul Dawson reveals how the grace of God that has been given to us enables us to keep on praying always and everywhere and how it will enable us to keep on meditating the word of god all day long – night and day. Thirdly how you will be in the fear of God always, fourthly how you will be walking and living in the spirit always, and fifthly how you will be rejoicing in the Lord always. And finally, the grace will always enable you to look for the glorious appearance of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. And how all the above is the new normal for the new creation!
Heaven's Designer Wear
Are you dressed to meet the King of kings? If you long to meet Him, this sermon is for you. Pastor Dawson walks you through God’s desires for His elect. The proper attire which is a prerequisite for an audience with Him, is a specially designed garment as is well explained in the sermon. Take an exclusive peak at God’s Designer Wear for you today.
Diet Change
Physical pressures are handled by strengthening the physique. Similarly, spiritual strength is gained by adopting a strong Word diet. Pastor Paul Dawson in this sermon suggests a diet change to counter the onslaught of life’s numerous pressures. He focusses on building super strong faith and not becoming a casualty of war. It is time for a diet change.
Making your faith sure
We are all aware that we have entered the ‘New Normal’ and that the world is going through a chaotic phase. The people of the world are going through pressures on every side. In this sermon, we will find Pastor Paul Dawson revealing the secret of how to make your faith and confidence sure!
The Word that Profits
We all know that we have entered chaotic times where fear, uncertainty and restlessness are controlling the people everywhere. In this sermon, Pastor Paul Dawson explains how to ensure that the Word we hear profits us and helps us to experience the effects of redemption and how faith plays a vital role in that.